A Chance to Listen to our Landscape Labyrinth on BBC Radio 4’s Open Country
Posted on November 22nd, 2021
As the days started getting shorter and we began winding down our work on the Kerdroya site for the winter, Golden Tree Productions Artistic Director Will Coleman met with BBC Radio 4 Open Country presenter Helen Mark, to lead her around the labyrinth path.
While walking the length of the labyrinth, they spoke about our gigantic new piece of land art and how the Cornish hedge is at the heart of Cornish culture and landscape. Listen to the programme here.
With his infectious enthusiasm, Will pointed out the distinct hedging styles already appearing on the site and how these represent the diversity of hedges across Cornwall. They discussed how Cornish hedges, with no legal protection for their preservation, differ to the fluffier hedgerows seen across the border and how Golden Tree Productions has been working closely with the Guild of Cornish Hedgers to continue a 4,000-year tradition.
Broadcast on the 18th November, the day of his 60th birthday, Will spoke about how the project has grown exponentially from his original vision of him “quietly building a hedge, alone on the misty moor.” The Golden Tree Productions team have experience of masterminding large-scale projects, and Kerdroya is another colossal cultural adventure. The pair touched on the unexpected success of The Man Engine and the lessons learnt.
“In the world today it feels like we are all on different paths, going in different directions and yet, there’s only one path and we are all ending up in the same place…”
Helen and Will discussed the interesting fundraising challenges that lie ahead for the enormous project and the overwhelming support received so far, largely from individuals making ‘Hedge Pledges’ to secure their yard of hedge. This walk around the labyrinth sounded a lot like a lesson in the importance of persevering, as Will put it:
“That which don’t kill us, makes us stronger”
Listen in, to discover how our labyrinth, emerging on the edge of the lake, is already providing jobs, training, and respite.
“A labyrinth is not a maze. A maze is a puzzle in which you make choices, go down dead ends and get lost. A labyrinth is a single winding path to the centre and back again. In a maze you get lost, in a labyrinth you find yourself.”
The programme, produced by Helen Lennard, aired on Thursday 18th November, 3pm BBC Radio 4 and is available on BBC Sounds.
If you’re feeling inspired after listening, there are lots of ways to support Kerdorya.
Funded by Cornwall Council, Cornwall AONB, the National Lottery Heritage Fund, FEAST, Cornwall Heritage Trust and Arts Council England, Kerdroya was the successful bid for the ‘Diamond Landscapes’ commission celebrating 60 years of the Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)