Golden Tree Tips for St Piran’s Day
Posted on March 2nd, 2021
This year’s ‘Gool Peran’ (St Piran’s Day) will be one to remember. With no parades or dances through the streets or hearty singsongs around the pubs of Cornwall, we’ve put together some ways you can still celebrate our patron Saint Piran from home.
Trelawny Shout
The Trelawny Shout will be going ahead this year, just not as we know it! Join the many voices of Cornwall in an online event from 9pm on March 5th. Supported by BBC Radio Cornwall, the Shout will be recorded and shared up and down the land.
St Piran’s Day Party and Activity Pack
Families and children are invited to get their dancing shoes on, some party goodies laid out and join Lauren for a lunchtime ‘tea treat’ on March 5th at 12.30pm. Get your St Piran’s Day masks ready from Visit Truro’s St Piran’s Day Activity Pack and take part in the Oggy Oggy shout at 6pm.
The Story of St. Piran
The Story of St. Piran by Tom Gainey and illustrated by Ryan Cardew is the first book to be published on the life and adventures of St. Piran in Cornish and English. You can also listen to the audiobook in both languages.
The Tale of St Piran
Cornwall Heritage Trust have put together The Tale of St Piran, a ten–minute film suitable for primary schools and above. Golden Tree’s very own Cornish Language Officer, Pol Hodge, wrote the script and features in the film as St Piran himself.