Billy and the Man Engine

Granny Rowse tells stories. Billy loves to listen. Granny’s tells tales of triumph and tragedy, of industry and innovation, of effort and endeavour, all set in the far-flung mining landscape of West Cornwall. But Granny’s world, Billy’s home and the landscape itself are all under threat. 

Billy and the Man Engine is a deep and dark adventure story aimed at 8-12 year-olds.



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Plen an Gwari: The Playing Places of Cornwall (2nd Edition)

A beautiful illustrated book written by Will Coleman, opening up the undiscovered treasures of medieval Cornish theatre culture.

“Devils and Devices to delight as well the Eye as the Ear”

A throng of people thousands strong, surrounded by magnificent pavilions, performers in splendid costumes, massed chorus and musicians, animals, guns and fireworks; the theatre culture of medieval Cornwall would have delivered an epic, immersive experience.

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Tales from Porth Cornish Books for Children

Tales from Porth – Collection

The village of Porth lies somewhere in a parallel Cornish universe. This set contains the first six storybooks by Will Coleman, beautifully illustrated by Brian Hoskin and Emma McCann.

UK shipping included

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